Thursday, August 13, 2009

J'aime les films avec les soustitres!

Translation: I love films with subtitles!

Okay, I don't actually love every foreign film I watch; I needed a catchy title.  I have picked out three foreign films that are pretty darn wonderful and that I think you should try out.  These are ones I've recently seen and they all just happen to be in French.  Don't let the subtitles put you off from seeing a great film.


Tell No One (Ne le dis à personne)
Based on the book by Harlen Coben, this was one of my top 5 movies I saw in 2008.  Margot, the wife of pediatrician Alex Beck, was murdered eight years ago.  After some new evidence is unearthed, Alex is once again questioned about the murder.  Then he receives emails from a person claiming to be his wife... is she still alive?  Suspenseful, emotional, heart-pounding, and smart, you'll want to watch Tell No One more than once. 

I've Loved You So Long (Il y a longtemps que je t'aime)
Kristin Scott Thomas gives an excellent performance as Juliette, who is trying to re-enter society after being in jail for fifteen years.  We don't find out her crime until later in the film, and I won't mention what it is here.  Her parents disowned her and started to tell everyone they only had one daughter when Juliette went to prison.  Juliette's sister, Lea, allows her to come and live with her family, but the husband is worried and hesitant about Juliette being in the house with the kids.  Juliette works toward securing a job and new friends, but her past still haunts her.  Will she be able to continue with her life?

The Class (Entre les murs)
This movie was just released on DVD this week.  Set in a high school classroom (entre les murs = between the walls) in Paris, France, and shot documentary style it stars teacher François Bégaudeau and regular teenagers from many ethnic backgrounds.  It feels like we are peeking inside a classroom; we see the difficulties teachers must face in dealing with rowdy, uninspired students.  We even see the teachers break down in the faculty lounge.  At one point, though, François sees his students come alive while they work on their autobiographies on the computers.  It seems he finally is getting through to the unmotivated students... at least for the time being.  This is a movie that will stick with you long after the credits roll.